Tag Archives: William D. Green

Great interview: Just 3 rules matter in business – apply them to your job search!

As I continue discussing employment, unemployment and social media in helping you find a job, I recently read a New York Times interview with William D. Green, chairman and C.E.O. of Accenture. He discussed, in part, hearing 68 rules during a managers training meeting over three days at Accenture. Baffled by the myriad of rules that bombarded new hires, he realized only three rules really matter in business.

According to Green:

The first rule is competence — just being good at what you do, whatever it is, and focusing on the job you have, not on the job you think you want to have.

The second rule is confidence. People want to know what you think. So you have to have enough desirable self-confidence to articulate a point of view.

The third rule is caring. Nothing today is about one individual. This is all about the team, and in the end, this is about giving a damn about your customers, your company, the people around you, and recognizing that the people around you are the ones who make you look good.

You can apply these rules to your employment search. In developing your resume and during interviews, you need to make sure your competence, confidence and caring come through.

So let’s take a look at the three…

Competence. When you apply to a job and prior to an interview, learn about the company. Look up their annual report on the web, check out recent news releases to see what the company is accomplishing. Set yourself apart from the competition by showing competence about the company.

Confidence. Show in your cover letter and interview that you are a confident individual. Highlight accomplishments, look the interviewer in the eye.

Caring. While it is hard to be choosy in getting interviews in this economy, show how you would be a caring individual to your prospective boss, team, superiors and more.

The article gives great insight. I hope you’ll take the time to read the article.  Now, let’s get out there and do something good together!

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