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Share just enough in social media and your interview…

In a recent New York times article, the topic focused on employees tendency to over-share their personal experiences, while in the workplace. Examples of discussing births in vivid detail, drunken exploits and other “Facebook” worthy scenarios, can cast the storyteller in a less than flattering light and keep you from ascending the employee ladder.

The author points at Facebook for partial blame, where we tell our every whim and fancy – “Driving Daisy to the vet”, “Wishing it was Friday”, “Whoot, whoot, it’s Friday”, “Shouldn’t have eaten those 12 donuts”, you get the idea.

I’ve read similar stories that likens such social media discussions as bragging, but, to me, it’s really filling the space that social media demands.

As someone who may be looking for work, I’ve always stressed that you need to be active in social media, both in looking for a job and getting looked at by potential employers.

But, you certainly have to walk that fine line, when it comes to providing information and exposing yourself. Keep your Facebook postings and Twitter tweets relevant, fun and interesting, but leave the late-night party pix on the side, where they belong.

Employers can easily Google your name to see how you fit into the social media community as well as your own personal community. How you present yourself can make or break your chances at getting that all-important first interview or landing that job.

Have fun with social media, harness it to your advantage. But, at the same time, make sure it puts you in the most positive light possible. Likewise, when you get that first interview and they shake your hand and ask “How are you today?” you can answer with “Fine, thank you…and you?” instead of “Well, my cat threw up on my bed this morning, so it’s not off to a good start…” Save that for a later tweet!

Now, let’s go out there and do something good together!

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