Tag Archives: promotion

Employers aggressively tap online social media (WSJ – 6/1/10)

Read an interesting article in today’s Wall Street Journal (Managing your Career – Greasing the Inside Track to a Job – page D4, 6/1/10) where some very cool social media info was listed. Great examples as to how it is of the utmost importance to make social media work for you, whether you are unemployed, looking for a new job, or a promotion from within…

The article reads in part:

Other employers aggressively tap online media. Internal recruiters connect with workers’ LinkedIn accounts so they can pinpoint promisign contacts and arrange introductions…A special new tool lets workers at Concur Technologies Inc. in Redmond, Wash., list openings immediately on their LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter accounts.”

Further, “Employee referrals through social networking have changed the hiring game,” says Shelly Holt…

The article further discusses how LinkedIn offer several ways to forge inside ties and has roughly 500,000 specialized groups that can be mined for connections.

Great examples of how you can harness social media in your continued job search!

Here’s the entire article – required reading!

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