Forgotten History Flows in “Electric City”

Thomas Hager’s Electric City

Interesting read on an effort a century ago by Ford and Edison to build “the Detroit of the South.” Ford saw the need to harness dam electricity and distribute it to area farmers, while envisioning a series of towns and industries (with the underlying mission to expand his footprint in the auto industry.) Along for the ride was an aging Thomas Edison to address fertilizer production for area farmers.

It was a time where Ford was being touted to run for President. By that time, Ford had proven himself with modernizing the assembly line, the $5 day, offering up the Model T for nearly everyone in America, then introducing the Model A. He was aging, but felt he had a few more things to prove in his life.

While the effort failed, the Tennessee Valley Authority was organized to pick up the pieces. Good read on political and private entities wrestling for electricity, while attempting to build a new utopia!

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