Harness LinkedIn for Your Job Search – 31 Tips

2014-12-30-TheLinkedInofThingsI still believe that networking is one of the most important ways to find a new job. But, social media can certainly help! As you continue your job search, whether you are unemployed or simply looking, LinkedIn continues to be an important resource. Time recently posted The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers. Here’s some highlights:

– Use numbers right up front. Stats are very important nowadays, whether it’s on your resume or LinkedIn profile. How much money did you save your department last year? How much was a budget you prepared? How much did you increase customer satisfaction? All these and more are relevant information that should be shared.

– Add multi-media to your profile. LinkedIn has a section specifically for media. And by media, that can be  a presentation you gave, photos of you doing your work, stories, videos and more. Use this section!

-Share your volunteer experiences. It’s important if you are looking for work to bridge the gap. In other words, you should be volunteering in your community. LinkedIn has a section for specific volunteering opps. I personally have also included them in my work experiences section to show that I was indeed working while I was laid off for a year.

LinkedIn has a section for specific volunteering opportunities. Personally, I have also included them in my work experiences section to show that I was indeed working while I was laid off for a year.

Finally, one of the most important things you can do for any social media…

-Update your status! Take a few minutes to tend to your garden of social media applications. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest…don’t let these sites go dormant, especially if you include them on your resume!

Recruiters are going to look at you more favorably, if they notice that you are active in your social media accounts!

So, stay current, embrace social media in your job search, keep it relevant and get LinkedIn!

Now, let’s go out there and do something good together! Happy New Year!

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