Rock that Resume – Six seconds to launch!

I recently came across a new article, related to the attention span of the hiring department. Read the article here. A few numbers to consider:

250 – On average, the number of resumes received for each corporate job opening.

200 – The number of seconds that pass before the first resume is submitted for an online job posting.

427,000 – The number of resumes posted on Monster alone every week.

6 – The number of seconds a resume is scanned during the review process.

Now, if you have hung around this little part of WordPress, you know that I stress the importance of networking.

I liken job websites as more of barometer, related to how many jobs are available in your field and hometown at a given time.

But this article really stresses the importance of being very clear with your submitted resume. Six seconds is just enough time to see where you worked, your title, a few keywords and your education.

Here’s one more stat:

61 – The percent of recruiters that will dismiss your resume instantly due to tipos…typoes…typos!

So, take your time, and here’s a tip: Read your resume back to front to see every word. When you read a sentence you mite miss a typo. But read typo…a…miss…mite…you…sentence….a…read…you…When, the typo can stand out!

Pass that resume around. Have someone read over carefully. And try your own six second scan. Does it work?

Now, let’s go out there and do something good together!

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