Twitter Times Tempting Tweet Tweaks

Twitter recently announced some updates to your Twitter home page. CBS News has a great summary here.

One of the bigger changes is that you can now have a full sized banner picture to go on your page (ala Facebook and Google +.) So, gone are the days of the little image in the corner. Now, you can dress up your page and put your best digital foot forward!








Twitter gives a nice, simple tutorial to get you set up and running in the new format.  Also, here are some tips when tweeting from Digital Trends:

Mentions & Replies. Two more ways you can connect with other Twitter users. Mentions and replies are updates that contain “@username” anywhere in the body of the tweet. Place a “@” in front of the person, business, organization or whatever you want to mention or reply to.

A recent change has made it so that your replies to someone will be seen only by mutual followers if you place their “@username” at the beginning of your tweet.

If you want your followers to see your mentions/replies to someone, set the “@username” at the end of the tweet or put a period in front of the ampersand like this: “.@”.  There is also a “Reply” option under tweets to save you precious time.

If you haven’t added Twitter to your arsenal. The link from Digital Trentds above will give you the steps to get started!

So, get tweeting. I’ll start posting some stats and related stories shortly, on how online job searches have left job boards and the classified ads in the dust. From there, we’ll discuss the best way for you to get out there!

Now, let’s go out there and do something good!


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