Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative: HR flagging social media in hiring – Don’t end up in the shredder!

social_mediaA new CareerBuilder survey (click here) found that while employers are certainly using social media for background research on potential candidates, many are finding more red flags, that would put many resumes in the shredder.

It has always been my thinking that, when you are in a job search, your social media pages are just as important as the pages of your resume.

You have to be engaged in social media, adding to it in a positive way and trying new social media on for size. (As an aside, I just got underway with Instagram this week. I know, late to the party, but I want to be able to master it and harness it in my job and on my social media pages.)

Among the findings of the social media report?

Top three negatives recruiters/HR departments found:

  • Candidate posted provocative/inappropriate photos/info – 50 percent
  • There was info about candidate drinking or using drugs – 48 percent
  • Candidate bad mouthed previous employer – 33 percent

Top three positives recruiters/HR departments found:

  • Candidate conveyed a professional image – 57 percent
  • Got a good feel for candidate’s personality – 50 percent
  • Candidate was well-rounded, showed a wide range of interests – 50 percent

So, as the old Johnny Mercer song goes: You’ve got to accentuate the positive, Eliminate the negative, And latch on to the affirmative, Don’t mess with Mister In-Between” the same can be said for your social media efforts. 

Delete the negatives (bad pix, dumping on your past or current employer) and bold the positives (professional image, wide range of interests.) It can mean the difference between going to the top of pile and the top of the shred heap!

Now let’s go out there and do something good together!

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