Marketing director re-invents job search, tapping into networking, volunteering opps!

The Wall Street Journal recently had a feature “Slow Recovery Feels like Recession,” where they profiled individuals and the way they are adapting to the downturn in the economy.

One story on a former marketing director from Verizon, laid-off during the recession, really illustrated how individuals need to get out from the computer and the same old routine, to stand out from the pack and get work.

Terry Sullivan had the credentials: overseeing a $105 million annual budget and more than 1,000 employees, but six months into his job search he said “my resumes were falling into a sinkhole.”  So what did he do?

1. Began attending a local support group for job seekers (networking opportunities, moral support!)
2. Started setting up events for his local chapter of the American Marketing Association (volunteering, staying busy, building portfolio while laid-off)
3. Attended outside events (networking)
4. After one particular event, approached speaker, which resulted in a consulting gig (networking and temp. job)

A great example of getting out there and beating your own drum. It is up to you to make yourself visible, show you have the experience to do what it takes to get back to work. Sullivan volunteered, networked, built his portfolio and networked his way to temp work, which hopefully will lead to full-time work!

I’ve always said that networking is the most important tool in your unemployment toolbox. When I was laid off in 2008-09, I had to force myself some days to get out there, volunteer, make calls, do lunches and just ask for help in learning about job leads. I volunteered to oversee the new newsletter format/layout for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, I volunteed for a grassroots group marketing my hometown of Grosse Ile, Michigan and just told people of my need to get back to work. But it had to be done!

You can do it, too! Now, let’s get out there and do something good!

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