If a student can ask to try out for UM football, you can ask for employment help!

Recently, there was an article in The Detroit News on a student asking University of Michigan football coach Rod Rodriguez about trying out for a kicking job (field goal) on the Wolverines team. Read the article here. Wow! What a concept! An absolute outsider essentially walking up and pounding on the door of the Big House asking for a chance!

This really reminds me of the movie “Rudy”, except well, the guy who talked to the UM coach didn’t have to go through years of grueling, demanding work before he could suit up, like the Sean Astin character in Rudy. The guy just approached the coach in a parking lot…..AND ASKED!

Which leads me to my point. If this kid can ask Rich Rod for a job, you certainly should be able to reach out to that supposed, untouchable individual to ask for advice or any leads on employment.

I’ve always subscribed to the “Don’t ask, don’t get” mentality. You have to ask for such things. The worst thing someone can do is say no.

So, suit up and approach that person who you always thought was above approach…and approach them!

You might:

  1. End up trying out (free advice, networking opp?);
  2. Making the team (getting your foot in the door for a formal interview) or;
  3. Making first string (landing that job!), or;
  4. Not make the cut (no leads, but you tried!)

Remember, it never hurts to ask! Now, let’s go out there and do something good!

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