Volunteering turns into fundraising success! – What talents can you lend?

Part of my volunteering has been with Opportunity Grosse Ile. I began working with this group back when I was unemployed in 2009 and somehow ended up as president. Recently, we had our first fundraiser, which netted $3,800. Local restaurants provided food, donors gave silent auction items, businesses provided underwriting for entertainment and a great time was had by all! (See related letter to the editor here.)

Proceeds from “An Enchanted Evening” will go towards opening a new welcome center in downtown Grosse Ile.  In addition, we will start up a proactive PR and marketing campaign promoting all the great amenities Grosse Ile offers (did you know it is the only community entirely within the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge?)

We have a great group of people on our board and I enjoy working with them immensely! Volunteering at its best!

Whether you are working or looking for work, volunteering is an important part of networking! What special talents do you have that you could share with a local group?

Here’s the article on the event….

Opportunity Grosse Ile’s first fundraiser a success
Friday, February 5, 2010

Lena Khzouz/The Ile Camera (Grosse Ile, MI)

Opportunity Grosse Ile’s first fundraiser proved to be a great success and a memorable event, organizers said.

“Our first fundraiser for Opportunity Grosse Ile, ‘An Enchanted Evening,’ was beyond our expectations,” said Andrew Johnson, president of the recently formed organization designed to promote island living.

He said members were excited to see that more than 180 people came out to The Pilot House on Saturday to support their event.

“Monies raised, totaling nearly $3,800, will be used to help get the new Welcome Home! Center up and running on Macomb in late February,” Johnson said.

“In addition, funding will be used to undertake a regional advertising and media relations campaign, promoting Grosse Ile as a destination for prospective homebuyers.”

Funds also will be used to help underwrite new events that Opportunity Grosse Ile members have planned for island residents and prospective residents later in the year, he said.

“The Enchanted Evening was a great opportunity for members of Grosse Ile’s (Board of Trustees), school board and business community to meet and greet residents and each other in a purely social setting,” township Supervisor Brian Loftus said.

“Together, we will build the kind of community that will lead the rebirth of southeast Michigan as a wonderful place to live and raise a family.  We have so much to offer.”

“An Enchanted Evening” featured hors d’oeuvres from local restaurants and entertainment, including 1940s-themed music, comedy and special guest bartenders.

One of those guest bartenders was state Rep. Deborah Kennedy (D–Brownstown Twp.), who represents the island.

“It was tremendously successful,” Loftus said, adding that it exceeded anything he had anticipated.

For the event, guests were encouraged to wear World War II/1940s-era outfits, and rooms were decorated in 1940s themes.

“We thank all the supporters of the evening for their generosity as Opportunity Grosse Ile gets under way,” Johnson said.

See the article in its entirety here.

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